We haven´t blogged for a while now, sorry about that.
Today was our second day in Ushuaia, the southern most city in the world, the end of the earth, the weirdest place in the world. But let me backtrack a little...
Our last day in Mendoza was in Chacras, a suburb that is known, in Frommer´s, for its wine. We took a bus there and followed an extremely unreliable wine path. Our first stop was closed, our second stop was closed for lunch (2 hr lunch!!!) but we kept on walking and were able to visit two big wineries. These were different from Maipu in that they were much larger and commercial. The tours were much more official and were were able to learn about some of the technicalities of climate control and the process of red wine coloration.
The next day was spent in transit to Ushuaia, our current location.
When we arrived, we were still able to see some of the scenery. Our taxi driver explained that to our right was the Atlantic and to our left, the Pacific. We were driving on a small piece of land between the two. Yesterday we were able to truly enjoy the panorama of mountains against the ocean on an intensely cold boat ride aboard a catamaran. It took us 17km from the coast to a lighthouse. We passed various islands of animals, including an island full of adorable sea lions basking in the sun.
Today we went to The Martial Glacier. But alas, we did not see a glacier. Instead we went skiing!!! It was another unreal view of mountains against the ocean. Spectacular.
Then we went to Tierra Mayor- a winter activity area. While on a ski mobile drive the weather became a white out. We didn´t pack enough winter gear to handle it so here we are, back in the city.
Tomorrow we are going to the Tierra del Fuego park.
Today was our second day in Ushuaia, the southern most city in the world, the end of the earth, the weirdest place in the world. But let me backtrack a little...
Our last day in Mendoza was in Chacras, a suburb that is known, in Frommer´s, for its wine. We took a bus there and followed an extremely unreliable wine path. Our first stop was closed, our second stop was closed for lunch (2 hr lunch!!!) but we kept on walking and were able to visit two big wineries. These were different from Maipu in that they were much larger and commercial. The tours were much more official and were were able to learn about some of the technicalities of climate control and the process of red wine coloration.
The next day was spent in transit to Ushuaia, our current location.
When we arrived, we were still able to see some of the scenery. Our taxi driver explained that to our right was the Atlantic and to our left, the Pacific. We were driving on a small piece of land between the two. Yesterday we were able to truly enjoy the panorama of mountains against the ocean on an intensely cold boat ride aboard a catamaran. It took us 17km from the coast to a lighthouse. We passed various islands of animals, including an island full of adorable sea lions basking in the sun.
Today we went to The Martial Glacier. But alas, we did not see a glacier. Instead we went skiing!!! It was another unreal view of mountains against the ocean. Spectacular.
Then we went to Tierra Mayor- a winter activity area. While on a ski mobile drive the weather became a white out. We didn´t pack enough winter gear to handle it so here we are, back in the city.
Tomorrow we are going to the Tierra del Fuego park.