My punctuation is going to be off because I cant find the apostrophe on this good-for-nothing foreign keyboard. And I also cant find the "at" sign, so I cant even log onto Facebook, a thing that did not exist 5 years ago but is now very important to me. (this is nuri, by the way)
Anyway, the important thing is we went to Iguazu national park today, which features the unbelievable "Garganta del Diablo" ("Throat of the Devil" in Spanish) the something like 3rd highest waterfall in the world, one of the biggest (factoring in length and stuff), and the crazy one that was the last, crazy waterfall that Indiana Jones tumbled down in his most recent movie. In the movie, his whole band of like 6 people survives -- in real life, they would have each died 20 times. When youre looking at it from the top of the falls (and there is a great lookout point), you cant even see the bottom, because so much water-slash-mist is kicked up from the tremendous impact the massive amount of water has when it hits the, I guess, other water. Awesome stuff.
Also, we had some boat tour that took us really right up to some of the biggest falls and got us soaking wet, which was really crazy. If you really enjoy experiencing people screaming at your whim but dont have the planning skills needed to be a good serial killer, you should be the "captain" of one of these little boats, and always make sure to turn a little sharper and go through the falls one more time than you need to. I hope our captain was crazy, so that he could fully enjoy what he was doing. The downside of this great thing was we were wet all day. Meh.
Tomorrow we are going back to stare down at that crazy waterfall for another hour, plus hike or something. Also, for dinner tonight we ate a barbecued version of pretty much every part of some animal. Turns out I really like the taste of blood sausage.
More later!
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